29 August 2005

Hey Everyone :o)

The beginning of my journey is drawing near, as I will be leaving for NYC this coming Friday (09/02), and then leaving the following evening for Jordan. I wanted to write and give everyone my contact information before I leave the US. I will be bringing my laptop, so whenever I do connect to the internet I will be on AIM for the brief time span that I am on-line.
My info is as follows:

E-mail me for my postal address

AIM: gin and gloom

I am helping a teacher at my school with a class he is doing on peace and conflict mediation, so I will be sending him weekly updates on life in Amman, and to keep everyone else up to date I will be posting those letters on a separate blog at:


As always you can catch up with me at my other blog for more personal outtakes, but I do not know how much time I will have to post there…As everyone has seen I haven’t had time this summer really, so the trend may continue. I am going to try though.

If anyone has my cell phone number it will be my mother’s number for the time I am in Jordan. Cingular wanted to charge me $2.49 a minute to use their service in Jordan, so I will be getting a new SIM card when I enter the country. So if you call my number after the 2nd and you get my mother do not be alarmed! I will be back on that line when I return in December. For those of you that want my new cell phone number, just write me and I will give it to you, because it is free for me to receive ANY incoming call.
I have also started up a photo web community with photos from this past year, and I will continue to post photos from my travels on there as well, so check in for a view of my life in Amman.


I think that is it from my end. If you do want to receive post cards from NYC and the Middle East you will need to write me ASAP, because my plane leaves at 8.30 am on Friday and I do not know when I will be able to check my mail again. Otherwise, have a great fall everyone and stay in contact!!! I will be back in Missouri on December 18th, so we will all have to catch up. *hugs*

Lotsa Luvings from this world traveler –

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